The Spanish Scheme of work is designed to provide a varied experience not only in terms of the Spanish language but culture, geography and history of Spain and Spanish speaking countries. Children will learn different aspects of the language in a dynamic way developing and strengthening areas such as phonics, grammar, listening, speaking, writing and spelling.
Year 3
- Greetings and Basic questions/answers when meeting people
- Alphabet and sounds in Spanish followed by relevant vocabulary.
- Introducing to new people providing basic information. “Mi nombre es…, tengo …, soy de…, vivo en….”
- Classroom instructions and routines
- Numbers from 1-20./ Basic Maths using basic calculations
- Colours (De qué color es?)
- Days of the week and months of the year (Que día/mes es hoy?)
- Classroom Materials. “el/la” (Masc/Fem, Sing/Pl) (verb “tener”- Tengo …, Tienes….)
- Body parts (general body parts) (Mi cuerpo)
- My family (main members of the family) (Mi familia)
- Pets and expressing opinions (Mi mascota favorita es….)
- Spanish and South American Art
Year 4
- Numbers from 20-50
- Writing the date in Spanish/birthdays (Cuando es tu cumpleaños?)
- Describe your and people’s appearance (Como soy?)
- How do I feel today? Expressing/questioning about feelings (Como te sientes hoy?)
- Weather and seasons (El tiempo y las estaciones)
- My house (Mi casa): interior and exterior, simple description of a house
- My school: subjects, prepositions to locate objects, basic adjs using vb “ser” to describe (Que aprendes en el colegio?)
- Zoo animals (El Zoo), describing my favourite animal (simple adjectives and use of vb “ser” in Present Simple
- Spanish and South American Art
Year 5
- Numbers up to 100
- My big family (extended family members, questioning and describing families) (Mi gran familia)
- Describing my personality (Como soy)
- Maths (2D shapes, describing 2D shapes)
- Weather: describing weather using conjunctions “y, tambien and pero” (Que tiempo hace en Madrid?)
- Sports (Mi deporte favorito): Likes/dislikes, use of vb “jugar” in Present Simple, questioning and answering, making graphs to display info.
- Food: likes/dislikes, healthy eating (Mi comida favorita)
- Spanish and South American Art
Year 6
- Numbers over 100
- Clothing (Que llevas puesto?)
- My city (Mi ciudad): what is in a city?, transport, directions (Mini project about a Spanish city)
- What time is it? (Que hora es?)
- Daily routines (Que haces todos los días?) : adverbs of frequency, reflexive verbs
- My hobbies (Mis aficiones):adverbs of frequency, likes/dislikes, possessive adjs
- Countries and nationalities (De que pais eres?)
- Spanish and South American Art
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