Allfarthing School


At Allfarthing Primary School we are committed to providing high quality, inclusive teaching which will enable all children, including those identified as having a special educational need or a disability (SEND), to make the best possible progress at school. As a rights respecting school, we believe that all children have the right to an accessible, broad and balanced curriculum and to be fully included in all aspects of school life. Quality first teaching by all members of staff is vital; however, we may offer further positive support to some children with additional needs to help them achieve their targets. These additional needs may relate to communication and interaction, cognition and learning difficulties, social, mental and health problems or sensory or physical needs.






The SEND LOCALoffer pages on Wandworth's Family Information Service (FIS) website have information and links about support/services/advice relating to children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities and their families.


For further enquiries please email or call 020 8871 8907

Other Useful Links:

CONTACT Wandsworth - General SEND and support and advice for children and families or 020 8947 5260

Talk Wandsworth - Counselling and mental health support or 020 3513 6264

Wandsworth Information, Advice and Support Service (WIASS)

020 8871 8065 (24 hr confidential answer machine - call back service)


The WAND Card

The WAND Card 

The WAND  (0 up to 18 yrs)  card and WAND+ card (18 up to 25 yrs) is available to children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities.

What does a WAND or WAND+ card do?

  • The WAND cards indicate that the child/young person has a special educational need and/or disability.
  • The WAND cards give eligibility for a range of discounts and concessions at participating local activities, leisure centres and parking.
  • Registration information is helpful in planning future SEND provisions and services in Wandsworth.

Scan the QR code below for more info on how to apply or visit here WANDcard


Wandsworth Community Support

Please see below for Summer Term 2023 Parent Events hosted by Wandsworth Autism Advisory Service (WAAS)