Allfarthing School

Year 5



We will be covering two main English texts each half term when we will be creating various pieces of writing inspired by the stories told. Each writing task will also contain a grammar focus, which will aid and improve the content. We will also read to different reading books – a non-fiction work and then an historical narrative.


 During the first half of term, we continue to work on fractions – equivalents, fractions as decimals and then applying this to calculating percentages. We will then focus on units of measurement, including time before subsequent work on angles, position and direction.


During the Summer term, we will be working through two main topics. We will start with ‘Imbalanced Forces’ when we will explore the different kinds of force and frictions by investigating and comparing and then we will conclude the Year with ‘Get Connected’  - an review opportunity of all the concepts we have explored in year 5.


This half term we will be using Scratch software to create pieces of music as an extension of our work on coding.

In Summer 2, we will move on using, investigating as evaluating Search Engines learning how to use them safely and efficiently.
We start the term with Geography when we will be asking if we would want to live in the desert? We will locate, explore and learning in detail about Maya civilization of Central America when we can compare and contrast with societies we have previously learnt about.


We start our work in Art by creating self-portraits using mixed materials. In DT, we will be investigating ‘What could be healthier?’ as part of our food and nutrition work when we will be making pasta sauce based on a healthy recipe.


Using the religious festival of ‘Holi’ as inspiration, we will compose our own pieces during the first half of term. We will then move on to how we can use looping and remixing to alter compositions for specific effects.


Our units for the Summer term will be Citizenship when we look at the law, our rights and responsibilities and then ‘Economic Wellbeing’ when we explore the idea of financial responsibility, borrowing and money risks.


We will be continuing with our bi-weekly 1-hour Spanish sessions this term with our Spanish teacher, Mrs Calero.


The first half of Summer term will focused on rounders and volleyball. We will then move on to athletics and badminton. Our Sports coaches, as well as class teachers, will teach these sessions.


Islam will be the focus during both halves of the Summer term asking ‘What is Ummah?’ when we look as Islamic beliefs about god and Mohammed as well as the idea of charity as part of the religion.

Trips and Special Events

Trips TBC


P.E is on Mondays and Thursdays – Summer 1.

Summer 2 - TBC