Year 1
In Autumn 1 we will use the texts ‘Cave Baby’ and ‘Astro Girl’ as hooks to inspire our writing. Our main focus is constructing a clear simple sentence that uses capital letters and a full stop at the end. We will also introduce exclamation marks and when it is effective to use it at the end of a sentence. In Autumn 2 we will be using the books ‘I Want My Hat Back’ and ‘Billy and the Beast.’ We will develop the skill of prediction by using the blurb, title and front cover to form opinions about what we think the story will be about. We will also focus on the importance of adjectives and how we can write clear descriptive sentences using a conjunction. Across both half terms, we will be continuing the Little Wandle phonics scheme with daily phonics sessions and guided reading sessions three times a week. In addition to this, we will be practising the spelling of words in correlation with our Little Wandle scheme.
We will begin Autumn 1 by consolidating our number awareness from 1-100. This will involve the children counting forwards and backwards from any given number within 100 and ensuring the have a solid understanding and formation of each of these numbers. In Autumn 2, the children will then begin comparing quantities and applying their knowledge of numbers to part-whole models. When using part-whole models, children will begin using addition and subtraction skills. When comparing quantities children will also be comparing length, height, mass and volume. Throughout the Autumn term, the children will be completing a ‘Mastering numbers’ lesson daily. This focuses on subitising (an ability to instantly recognise a group of objects without counting them). This skill supports children with quick mental addition and subtraction as they progress through to adulthood.
We will be developing both our substantive knowledge (scientific facts, concepts and vocabulary) as well as our disciplinary knowledge (how to think like scientist: questioning, predicting, recording, observing and sorting) in Science. In Autumn 1, we will be looking at the seasons and how they are different. By the end of this unit, children will plan and perform a weather report. We will learn the names of the seasons before thinking about what kind of events and activities are associated with different seasons (such as the birth of lamb and chicks in Spring or conker collecting and Bonfire Night in Autumn). We will be learning how the weather, daylight and trees change across the seasons and, given the dramatic changes of Autumn, be able to observe and record changes that are happening outside the classroom. In Autumn 2, we will be looking at everyday materials: naming them and sorting them, distinguishing them from objects (possibly made of multiple materials) and considering their properties. We will have plenty of hands-on activities to do with properties, looking at where they are absorbent, waterproof or tough.
This half term, we will be focusing on how to be safe and responsible using technology. We will introduce the Chrome books and practise how to turn them on, and what different functions are useful to us. We will work to improve our mouse control and will be exploring Sketchpad and its functions. In Autumn 2 we will progress to begin to learn all about algorithms.
In Autumn 2, out History unit is ‘How am I making History?’ This unit will allow children to understand what History is and how it is influential to them as well as made by them. We will learn where we can look into our past to learn more about ourselves and how our History impacts the way that we live and act today. We will also be comparing the similarities and differences between children in the past and the children of today.
In Autumn 1 we will look at different lines such as horizontal lines, diagonal lines, cross hatching and wavy lines. We will use different mediums to do this including oil pastels, chalk and water colour. In Autumn 2 our focus will be colour. We will investigate how different colours can be used to make other colours and use paint alongside different artists as inspiration to create paintings and prints.
This term we will be looking at family and relationships. We will discuss the importance of healthy relationships and how we can foster and build them in our lives. We will be looking further into emotions and how we can recognise and support other peoples emotions as well as our own. Finally we will look at friendships and how to maintain kind and supportive friendships inside and outside of school as well as what to do when we are struggling with our friendships. We will also, alongside our PSHE sessions, continue following our mind up sessions which focuses on fostering children’s well-being through mindful practice. We will learn about the three main areas of the brain and how they can help us to make good decisions. We have also worked together to build relationships and friendships within the class. One way we have done this is through our pupil of the day compliment activities.
This half term we are focusing we will be exploring how the world began. We will explore Christian, Jewish and Hindu views about creation through creation stories. Next half term we will be learning about what some people think God looks like. Through this we will be considering the beliefs of Muslims, Hindus and Christians. We will have lots of discussions surrounding everyone’s differing beliefs and how we can be respectful towards each other.
Through the stimulus of the five senses, pupils will internalise key musical skills and techniques, exploring music using their voices and classroom instruments. Pupils will practically engage in a range of musical activities that develop their understanding of the inter-related dimensions of dynamics, duration, timbre, tempo, pitch and rhythm. We will be learning about the beat of a piece of music and how we can find the beat of different tunes. The key skills we will develop are listening, tempo, identifying mood and pitch as well as preforming in time with the beat and following a conductor.
Please send your child in with their coat, book bag, reading record, water and fruit (optional) every day. Please ensure everything is named.
Please read with your child daily and record any reading you do with them at home in their reading record.
Please check Dojo regularly to keep up with notices, pictures and your child’s dojo points.
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