Reporting to Parents
At Allfarthing, parents are informed of their children's progress on a termly basis.
Reporting to Parents
Autumn Term
In the Autumn Term we have a parents evening, in which parents can meet their child’s teacher to discuss how they have settled into their new class and share expectations for the year. Teachers share verbal updates regarding pupils behaviour and wellbeing. In EYFS parents talk through progress evidenced in pupils learning journals. In KS1 and KS2, we share a single pupil overview report, which gives parents information on their child’s learning and academic achievement.
Spring Term
In the Spring Term we have we have a parents evening, where parents receive information about their child’s assessments, progress and attainment. Teachers share verbal updates regarding pupils behaviour, wellbeing and progress in the wider curriculum. In EYFS parents talk through progress evidenced in pupils learning journals. In KS1 and KS2, we share a single pupil overview report, which gives parents information on their child’s learning and academic achievement.
Summer Term
In the Summer Term, parents receive an annual report informing them about their child’s progress in all areas of the curriculum, behaviour and attitudes and personal development. In EYFS, we send home pupils learning journals which demonstrate pupils progress across the year. In KS1 and KS2, we share a single pupil overview report, which gives parents information on their child’s learning and academic achievement.
Pupil Overview Report
In KS1 and KS2, we share a single pupil overview report, which gives parents information on their child’s learning and academic achievement.
Please read through guidance below which explains the information shared in the pupil overview report:
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