School Uniform
School uniform at Allfarthing is compulsory and it is expected that all children from Nursery to Year 6 wear the correct uniform every day.
Everyone wears the basics of a school t-shirt or polo shirt and a sweatshirt, all of which bear the school logo and our school colour blue.
The school uniform consists of:
- A school sweatshirt or cardigan
- A school t-shirt or polo shirt
- Trousers, shorts or skirts in grey or black
- Children's tights should be plain grey or black
- In summer dresses should be blue gingham dresses
- Sensible shoes in black that children are able to take on and off independently, especially on PE days. It would be very helpful if your child does not wear lace up shoes, until they can tie their own laces.
- A sun-hat in summer
- A coat in wet/cold weather even if you travel to school by car
- PE Kit – plain navy blue shorts/sweatpants, white t-shirt, plain navy blue sweatshirt (NO logos please)
Please remember…
All clothing should be clearly labelled with your child’s name.
Nail varnish is not allowed.
Jewellery is not permitted, except for small stud earrings.
On a regular basis our PTA run a second hand uniform sale in our playground. If you are in need of anything specific and missed our sales please do come and see us in the office.
If you are in receipt of free school meals (not the universal free school meals open to all children) please do come in to reception where we will be able to help you with uniform.
To order your child’s uniform
Please follow the link directly to School Uniform Direct -
For current price lists please see below:
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