Allfarthing School

Year 6



In English, we will be exploring several texts around the theme of ‘Fate vs Free Will’ in Summer 1 and then ‘Crossing Borders’ in Summer 2. The children will be studying traditional tales with a twist with a view to them incorporating the key features into their own traditional tale. We will also continue to develop children’s comprehension skills as well as exam technique in the run-up to SATs in our English and whole-class reading sessions.


In the weeks leading up to the SATs tests, we will be reviewing and revising key skills in order to prepare the pupils to do the absolute best that they can. This will include a focus on arithmetic and reasoning skills, solving problems in a variety of contexts. Towards the end of the summer term, we will guide the children through some fun and exciting maths projects as well as recapping key maths topics that they will need in Year 7.


In Summer 1, we will be learning about circulation and health. Children will explore the heart and circulatory systems through models and enquiries and consider how lifestyle choices affect our health. In Summer 2, we will focus on a unit called ‘Making connections’. This will bring together children’s’ learning from multiple science units, helping them to make connections between key concept and skills to answer the question ‘Are some sunglasses safer than others?’


In Summer 1, children will discover the history of Bletchley Park, historical figures, and computer science. Children learn about code breaking and password hacking as well as decoding messages. Children will also present information about historical figures. In Summer 2, children will understand about the use of big data including barcodes, QR codes, infrared, and RFID technologies. Children will create and scan their own QR codes, manipulate real-time data in spreadsheets and present their findings. They will also analyse transport data to understand its usefulness to commuters.

Geography - Summer 1

In Summer 1, children will plan and carry out throat own independent fieldwork enquiry. Children will observe, measure, record and present their own fieldwork study of the local area.

History - Summer 2

In Summer 2, children will complete a unit called ‘unheard histories: Who should go on the banknote?’ This unit will prepare children for the challenges of KS3 History. It gives them the historical skills of inference, extracting information from sources, evaluating historical figures and the opportunity to decide their criteria for significance. Children will also consider the contributions to Britain of a diverse group of people, whose experiences are less well known.

Art & Design - Summer 1

Children will be exploring a selection of paintings through art appreciation activities. Children will collect ideas in sketchbooks and planning for their final piece after researching the life, techniques and artistic intentions of an artist that interests them.

Design & Technology - Summer 2

Come Dine with Me! Children will be learning about how to develop their own three-course meal. They will be taught about complementary flavours. They will then be taught how to find a suitable recipe for their course; record the relevant ingredients and equipment needed; follow a recipe, including using the correct quantities of each ingredient; write a recipe, explaining the process taken; and explain where certain key foods come from before they appear on the supermarket shelf.


In Summer 1 we will be focusing on ‘Citizenship’. Children will learn about human rights, food choices and the environment, caring for others, prejudice and discrimination, valuing diversity and national democracy. In Summer 2, children will learn about economic wellbeing where children will explore choices related to navigating feelings about money, keeping money safe, managing finances in secondary school, understanding the risks of gambling and identifying paths to pursue different careers.


In Summer 1, children will explore the music and composers of the Baroque Period and will investigate the structural and stylistic features of their work. In Summer 2, Children will spend the topic creating their very own leavers’ song personal to their experience as a class.


In Summer 1, children will be doing volleyball with Mr Haughton. In this unit children develop their understanding of the principles of net and wall games. Children will have to think about how they use skills, strategies and tactics to outwit the opposition. Children will also be doing OAA (outdoor adventurous activities) with the class teacher. Children will work individually, collaboratively in pairs and groups to solve problems and are encouraged to be inclusive of others, share ideas to create strategies and plans to produce the best solution to a challenge. In Summer 2, children will be doing athletics with Mr Haughton in preparation for sports day and Badminton with the class teacher.  Children will be given opportunities to work in collaboration with others, play fairly demonstrating an understanding of the rules, as well as being respectful of the people they play with and against.


We will learn the names of some vegetables grown in a garden and how to say which we like and dislike. We will learn how to describe the life cycle of a plant in Spanish and work on the story of ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. Children will continue to develop the language and vocabulary needed to work on a simple story and add to their knowledge of nouns in Spanish.


In Summer 1, children will develop their understanding of suffering. They will look at alternative ideas about and responses to suffering through scripture, quotes and images. In Summer 2, children will be answering the questions ‘What place does religions have in our world today?’ which will bring together children’s’ learning from multiple RE units, helping them to make connections between key knowledge and concepts.

Trips and Special Events

6th May – Bank holiday

Week commencing 13th May – SATs week

21st May – Class photos

11th June/2nd July – Pizza Express Trip

17th June – Year 6 athletics track training

20th June – Year 6 Wilderness survival challenge

4th July/9th July – Sky Studios

10th July – Strike

16th July – Sports Day

18th July – Year 6 Production performance to parents


Homework is set on Google classroom on Friday each week, to be returned the following Thursday. Spelling tests will continue to happen every Friday so please support your child with this. Doodle should be completed so that your child remains in the ‘green zone’ each week and don’t forget about Times Table Rock Stars!