Allfarthing School

Year 4



We will start the term working with the text, ‘Weslandia’.  We will make predictions and inferences about the text before writing a non-chronological report that includes rhetorical questions.  After this, we will look at ‘The Story of Tutankhamun’, where we will write newspaper reports before writing a biography of Howard Carter.  After half term, we will move onto the texts, ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’ and ‘Pride: The Story of Harvey Milk and the Rainbow Flag’.  Throughout these, the children will use different grammatical rules, take part in some drama activities and explore writing in different genres.   


In the Summer term, we will continue our work on decimals.  We will be comparing and ordering decimals and rounding them.  We will then use our learning to carry out calculations with money and different units of measure. Later in the term, we will be working with co-ordinates and statistics.  


We will begin the term with the unit ‘Classification and Changing Habitats’.  In this unit, children will learn about how to classify different living things and the impact humans and natural occurrences have on different environments and habitats.

After half term, we will move onto ‘Making Connections – How does the flow of liquid compare’, where we will be carrying out multiple investigations and making scientific conclusions. 


The first unit of the term will concentrate on ‘Computational Thinking’, where the children will develop the four areas of computational thinking through a range of plugged and unplugged activities.

After half term, we will move onto ‘Data handling: Investigating weather. We will research and store data using spreadsheets, design  a weather station which gathers and records data and learn how weather forecasts are made.

Geography Summer 1

This unit focuses on Rivers. Children will be learning about where rivers exist in our world and how the water cycle supports them. They will also be learning about the different levels of rivers and carrying our field work in the local area towards the end of the topic.

History Summer 2

After half term, the children will learn about the Vikings. We will be investigating whether the Vikings were raiders, traders or settlers.  We will also be making deductions from sources, identifying the author’s viewpoint and explaining how this impacts the accuracy of the source.

Art & Design Summer 1

Children will be focussing on ‘Fabrics of Nature’, where we will use flora and fauna as a starting point to develop drawings through experimentation and textile-based techniques to create a repeating pattern.

Design & Technology Summer 2

Children will be focussing on ‘Fabrics of Nature’, where we will use flora and fauna as a starting point to develop drawings through experimentation and textile-based techniques to create a repeating pattern.


This half term, we will continue with our unit on ‘Citizenship’ where we will look at our diverse communities and contributing positively to them. We will then move onto a unit on ‘Economic well being’.


We will begin by focussing on ‘South American sounds’ – carnival and Samba music. After half term we will cover a singing unit linked to the Romans. In both units, children will be listening to, composing and performing different styles of music.


PE will be taught by both our specialist sports coaches and class teachers. We will begin with units focussing on lacrosse and rounders.  After half term, we will move onto our athletics and outdoor adventurous activities.

PE will be on Thursday and Friday.

Children should come to school dressed in their PE kits on these days.


The children will continue to develop their skills, building on their understanding of differences in social conventions and continuing to develop their vocabulary.


In RE this term, we will start by trying to understand why the Bible is the best-selling book of all time? After half term, we will explore the language of scripture.

Trips and Special Events

10th May - Royal Courts of Justice

17th - 18th June – Rootd Residential  (for those children that signed up)

28th June - Vikings Workshop (in school)

16th July - Sports Day


Encourage your child to spend some time each day reading (independently or with an adult) and completing activities on Doodle Maths. These activities should be at a suitable level for your child to complete independently, but please speak to a member of the Year 4 team if you are concerned that they are not at an appropriate level. Children should be practicing on Times Tables Rockstars at least 4 times a week. 

Each week, we will complete a spelling test and a times tables’ test – the spellings have already been sent out so please continue to practice these with your child.