Allfarthing School



Communication & Language

This term we will continue to use of our role play area to encourage children to develop conversations in their play and build relationships. We will encourage speaking in full sentences and using vocabulary linked to our topics. We will also be focussing on a range of open questions to encourage children to explain in greater depth. We will continue to introduce a range of new vocabulary to help develop social phrases and support children to use them throughout the day.

Personal, Social & Emotional Development

We will be reading a range of new storybooks linked to our new topics ‘Traditional Tales’ and ‘Journeys’. When reading our topic stories, we will be exploring the importance of working as a team and keeping safe when out. We will also be exploring the themes of taking on challenges; listening and following instruction.

Physical Development

Our gross motor skills will continue to develop through various PE sessions where we will concentrate on developing agility, balance and control through dance. We will learn a range of games and different ways to control balls using our bodies or equipment. In the second half of the summer term, we will learn athletics in preparation for our sports day. Fine motor activities will include manipulating play dough, developing scissor control and using other tools.


We will continue our learning through Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised early reading programme. We move on to phase 4, practising identifying, saying and writing the sounds, and continue to develop our writing. We will also have weekly reading sessions in school focusing on decoding, expression and comprehension skills. More information can be found here:

As part of our topic sessions, we will be reading ‘The Gigantic Turnip’ ‘Little Red’, ‘Caterpillar, Butterfly’ and ‘Bringing the Rain to Kapiti Plain’. We will become familiar with writing letters and short stories.


We will cover the White Rose Maths units ‘To 20 and Beyond’, First, Then, Now’, Find my Pattern’ and ‘On the Move’. We will look at counting patterns beyond 10. After that, we will move on to looking at subtraction, doubling, grouping and sharing and learn about even and odd numbers. We will develop our work on pattern and relationships between numbers and introduce the area of spatial reasoning, looking at how we can use shapes to make pictures, how we can explain the similarities and differences between objects and how we use positional language. Throughout our learning, we work on consolidating the key skills of counting, composition of number, sorting and matching, and comparing and ordering.

Understanding of the World

We will also think about special places in our local area and consider that people have different beliefs, we will be learning about Vaisakhi and will compare this to other events that we have already learnt about. This term we will continue to explore the natural world around us and think about changing seasons. We will be finding out about the life cycle of a caterpillar and learning about the importance of rain. We will use our outdoor area to take care of our garden and observe how it changes as the weather becomes warmer.

Expressive Arts & Design

We will encourage children to make use of the role play areas to develop storylines in their play. We will use the creative area, accessing  junk modelling, paints, fabrics and other various creative materials to support our learning. We will sing songs as a group and create music using our bodies, instruments and found sounds.


Please remember to label all uniform items. Check the weekly Friday letter for important notices to find out what we have been learning in class and what we will be learning the following week.

Summer Trip- London Wetland Centre - Thursday 6th July - Details to follow