Allfarthing School



Communication & Language

This term we will be learning how to listen to others in small groups and during carpet time. We will develop our listening and attention skills in a variety of learning experiences and fun games. We will also be using props to sing nursery rhymes and retell familiar stories. We will introduce a range of new vocabulary to help develop social phrases and support children to use this throughout the day.

Personal, Social & Emotional Development

In Reception we will explore a range of feelings, through the use of puppets, relatable story lines and the zones of regulation. We will also become familiar with our ‘Shared Class Agreement’, which will help us stay safe in school and be kind to others. We will work alongside children to help them build constructive and respectful relationships and to think about the feelings of others. We also encourage them to develop great independence by managing their personal hygiene needs (i.e. handwashing, toileting, etc.).

Physical Development

In the Reception outside area, we will explore various ways of moving (hopping, skipping, jumping, etc.) to develop body strength, co-ordination and balance. To develop our fine motor skills, we will be focussing on using a range of tools, threading, manipulating playdough, cutting skills and introducing letter formation. We will also look at developing the skills that children need for the school day (lining up, mealtimes, etc.)


To begin the year we will be becoming familiar with our brand new routines and all of the different learning areas in the classroom. This will be followed by the topic ‘Marvellous Me’; we will be exploring stories, which support a positive self-image. After half term, our new theme will be ‘Let’s Celebrate’, where we will learning about the celebrations Diwali, Bonfire Night and Christmas. This term we introduce Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised early reading programme. We will learn the phase 2 and phase 3 phonics sounds, practising identifying, saying and writing the sounds before moving on to oral and written blending. This will develop into early reading and regular reading sessions in school. More information can be found here:


This half-term, we will start by matching and sorting objects, exploring pattern and comparing amounts. We introduce the numbers 1 to 5 and think about how we can represent these. We also look at finding one more and one less than a given number and think about 2D shapes and language around time and position. To support our learning we will use NCETM mastering number resources, focusing on recognising a small number of objects without counting, using a skill known as subitising.

Understanding the World

As part of our ‘Marvellous Me’ topic, we will encourage children to talk about their families and think about the similarities and differences that we share. We will also think about special places in our local area and consider that people have different beliefs. We will use our outdoor area to explore the natural world around us and think about changing seasons.

Expressive Arts & Design

We will encourage children to make use of the role play areas to develop storylines in their play. We will use the creative area, accessing  junk modelling, paints, fabrics and other various creative materials to support our learning. We will sing songs as a group and create music using our bodies and instruments.


Please remember to label all uniform items. Check Class Dojo for important notices to find out what we have been learning in class and what we will be learning the following week.