Allfarthing School

Year 3



The texts this term will explore the theme of ‘mystery to discovery.’ We will start with the text, ‘The Mysteries of Harris Burdick.’ We will explore many of the illustrations in the text to create setting descriptions, short first person narrative and dialogue. The main outcome will be for the children to create their own fantasy stories. After this, we will look at the text ‘Flotsam’. The focus of the writing here will be on letter writing and non-chronological reports.


In the summer term, we will continue working on fractions, this time exploring how non-unit fractions are linked to the idea of repeated addition of unit fractions. We will then explore money and shape this term. We will look at converting pounds and pennies, and using our knowledge of addition and subtraction to add and subtract money. A deeper understanding of place value is encouraged as we compare amounts. In the second half term of summer, the children will explore Time. They will build on their learning from Year 2, and learn to tell the time to the minute. They will look at analogue clocks, and learn Roman Numerals to 12.


In science this term, Year 3 will cover ‘Plant Reproduction’ and ‘Making Connections’. We will start by looking at the parts of a plant and its relationship between structure and function. We will explore how water is transported within a plant, the plant’s life cycle, the process of pollination, seed formation and seed dispersal. When our topic changes to Making Connections, we will explore the question ‘Does hand span affect grip strength?’


In Computing we will be exploring at creating video trailers. The children will take photographs and record videos to tell a story and use software to edit and enhance their video by adding music, sounds and text on screen with transitions.


In the Summer term, we are answering the question, ‘Are all settlements the same?’ The intended learning outcomes from this question will be to describe different types of settlements. We will also look at how land is used in our local area. We will go on a fieldwork local trip, looking at the physical and human features of land. We will also then look at how our local area has changed over time. Finally, the children will compare the features of their local land to another land in a different part of the world.


We will start history in Summer 2. We will be answering the question, ‘What did ancient Egyptians believe?’ While answering this question the children will be able to explain who the Egyptians were and when they lived. They will look at ancient Egyptian gods and goddesses. Evaluating the challenges of building an Egyptian pyramid. They will finally explore ancient Egyptian beliefs by exploring the Book of the Dead and making inferences using primary sources.


We will start Summer 1 doing Art where our topic will be 'Sculpture and 3D: Abstract Shape’.  The children will learn how to transform 2D card shapes into three-dimensional structures and sculptures. We will explore abstract shapes and space, develop skills in constructing 3D objects, and understand the difference between 2D and 3D art. In the next half term, we will move onto DT where our topic will be ‘Structures: Constructing a castle’. We will look at the features of a castle before designing. We will then use CAD software to develop our designs before finally constructing the product.


We begin this term by looking at Economic Wellbeing. We will begin by understanding the different ways to pay for things. We will explore how to put together a budget before moving onto the impact of spending and begin to recognise how ethics can influence our spending decisions. We will then finally look at stereotypes in the workplace and how these should not limit career aspirations.


We will be continuing our instrumental lessons which will provide our music curriculum. 3K will continue learning to play the saxophone and 3G the clarinet. We look forward to showing you the progress we have made in our next music showcase!


There will be two sessions of PE per week. 3K will be attend swimming sessions at Southfields and will play rounders at school. 3G will be learning rounders as well as yoga.  Athletics,  net and wall games will be the focus in Summer 2.


This term we will be looking at the question ‘Why is water symbolic?’ We will explore how water is used as a symbol for different religions. We will understand the importance of ritual washing for many religions, the importance of Baptism for Christianity and the meaning of ZamZam for Islam.


Year 3G – PE on Friday afternoons as well as the new day of Monday afternoons.

Year 3K – Swimming Friday Morning and PE on Friday afternoons.

Music lessons – Children will need to bring their instruments to school every Tuesday.

3G – Clarinets

3K - Saxophones