Allfarthing School

Wellbeing & Mental Health

At Allfarthing we focus on the whole child by putting wellbeing, resilience and mental health at the centre of our work with our pupils, staff and community. We aim for children to engage and participate all aspects of school life, allow them thrive within the school environment and develop empathy and understanding of our local community. We also recognise the link between wellbeing and academic progress and endeavour for every child to meet their full potential. 

Here are some examples of how we promote wellbeing and mental health across Allfarthing:


Mind Up lessons and daily brain breaks

Wellbeing and mental health oracy assemblies

Wellbeing weeks

Place 2 Be and Place 2 Talk

Worry Boxes

Worry Ninjas

Martial Arts workshops with a focus on resilience

School council working with CYP Trailblazer on wellbeing at Allfarthing


MindUp and Mental Health Training

Staff appreciation board in the staffroom

Free Life Coaching

SENCO trained as a Mental Health First Aider

Wellbeing days


Talk Wandsworth sessions for parents

Parent and pupil morning yoga sessions run by a parent

PTA healthy breakfasts and wellbeing presentations

Feedback opportunities (wellbeing survey, just to say box)

Healthy eating seminar for parents

Parent Gym

Wellbeing breakfasts

Place2Be counselling sessions for parents

Emotional Wellbeing Practitioner on site once a week to work with parents

Closer links with the PTA and PTA events


In June 2020 Allfarthing was awarded the Wellbeing Award for Schools by Optimus Education which is valid for the next three years.

Allfarthing is part of the Southfields Wellbeing Trailblazer cluster.

Wellbeing group set up with governors/parents and staff.

Behaviour learning walk from Wandsworth – hugely positive and main praise was for the relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere when walking around and the happiness/confidence of the children. 

For more information please read our Wellbeing Policy HERE and for more information about our successful completion of the Wellbeing Award for Schools see the separate tab.